
Building Lgrqvst.com, Part IV

Page Elements

My current thinking is to have five basic design templates to begin with, as follows:

Home page

Top page. What you’re faced with when you go to lgrqvst.com. Should have a logo and a general description of what the site is, navigation with links to static pages, the latest blog posts and art things, some methods to access earlier content (category listings, e.g.), footer with footer stuff.

Static page

The About page, Contact page and (possibly) a Now page. Should have the logo, navigation, page content and footer.

List page

For all the things belonging to a category, tag, theme, motif, etc. Should have the logo, navigation, maybe a brief description of the taxonomy term, relevant content in a scannable list, and the footer.

Single blog post

When reading a single blog post. Should have the logo, navigation, post content and footer. Maybe also include links to the next and previous posts in the same category? And/or related content?

Single ‘art’ thing

When viewing a single thing I made (based on the category or post type of the content item). Should have the logo, navigation, the thing, and the footer. The presentation of the thing depends on the type of the thing. Again, maybe links to similar content? This should basically be similar to the single blog post template but be customized to put the art thingy front and center.

Hi there! Thanks for reading. I debated for a while having a comment section here, but I wasn't really on board with any of the alternatives I looked at. If something you read on this site sparked something in you and you want to communicate that to me, get in touch with me either by email, or on social media, perhaps on Twitter. Thanks!